You can save thousands of dollars in labor by building your own timber frame kit.
Compare pricing on our selection of pre-designed timber frame homes, additions, barns or outdoor structures and find the right fit for you!
Our timber frame kits have been built from California to Bar Harbor and Fort Lauderdale to Pittsburg, NH. Freight charges vary with the cost of fuel and distance traveled.
Most importantly, our frames are designed and engineered for common northeastern snow and wind loads. We are happy to work with your engineer or consult with one of ours to determine if any local seismic, wind or snow-load conditions exist that would require an increase in timber size, special joinery, or hold-downs.
We are happy to work with you on changes or modifications to our pre-designed plans, but for greatest affordability you will want to order your frame as it was originally designed.
Learn more about what you can expect for realistic final costs and more when you browse our Kit FAQ section.
Learn more about what you can expect for realistic final costs and more when you browse our Browse Timber Frame Kit FAQs
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Barn & Garage Kits Pricing
Browse and compare pre-designed timber frame barns and garage kits.
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Outdoor Living Kits Pricing
Browse and compare kit pricing for timber frame Pavilions, Pergolas, Gazebos and more.
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