The Trasattis – On Repeat
The Trasatti family grew up with Brooks Post & Beam. Literally. Back in the early 1980s, one of Phil and Kathy’s friends had a Brooks home built in Temple, N.H., and the Trasattis loved it. In 1984, the couple decided to commission Phil Brooks to build their own home in Brookline, N.H. “We wanted an
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The Robins Harrisville
When David and Jean Robins first met, one thing they found they had in common was that they each hoped to build their own home one day. “We both had this dream of building a little house in the woods,” Jean recalled. That was about 45 years and more than 1,000 miles ago – they
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Ruth’s Temple
Nothing about Ruth’s new home in Greenfield, NH, is accidental. Not the deeply green, pastoral landscape, which she created over 6 years of tractor time from acres of brambles and saplings. Nor the New England stone walls, built not two centuries ago but added incrementally, as the budget allows, by a local hardscaper. And definitely
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The Kokal Family
God and family. That’s what the Kokals are really about. Well, and horses. They are seriously into horses. Education’s huge, too. And then there’s their home. And though the Kokals were still able to feed all their passions when they lived in a camper tent on a chaotic building site, it is in that Greenfield,
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What if it rains on my frame?
This is a good question, and one that could cause you a lot of worry. One of the reasons for this blog as well as for our Owner’s Manual is to help share important information with you that can both save you money and alleviate a lot of worry. We treat barns and sheds differently;
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His is Passivhaus, HERS is LEEDS, who is the Energy Star?
There is renewed interest in energy efficiency and sustainable building brought about by recent high energy prices and economic hard times. This has brought on a flood of information about energy ratings, building techniques, rebates and tax credits. Between the acronyms and the various government and utility initiatives it can make your head spin. I
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Timber Frame Additions & Renovations
(Note- this article originally was posted prior to 2012, when the economy was recovering from a severe recession and the foreclosure crisis. But while the economic conditions have changed radically, the reasons for building additions are largely the same.) An interesting development in our business this year has been a complete shift from new home
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Brooks Post & Beam Owner’s Manual
Building a new timber frame home is not a job to be undertaken lightly. To help guide you through the many decisions with which you will be faced, we have written the Brooks Post & Beam Owner’s Manual. Whether you plan to contract out the work, be your own general contractor, or do it all
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Affordable Timber Frame Homes & Barns
Since Colonial times, New England has earned its reputation for having hardy residents. The terrain and the weather are demanding, and its residents quickly learn to plan ahead and be resourceful. Architecturally, the Colonial and the Cape are great examples of form following function. Both housing styles make efficient use of materials and space, keeping
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Log Homes vs. Timber Frame Homes
I am often asked questions about log homes vs. timber frames that use SIPs for the building envelope. “Are the panels more energy efficient than logs?” “Can you use any kind of siding with panels?” My tongue-in-cheek response to these questions is that “we’re very similar except timber frame homes come without the drafts and
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No Place Like Home? A Green Rant
“Green” has suddenly become a buzz word so pervasive that it’s practically lost any meaning. Over 30 years ago I was studying Civil Engineering with a coordinate major in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. We learned about the upcoming energy crisis, passive solar, wind energy, thermal mass, photovoltaic, trombe walls, organic gardening, composting
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Timber Frame Only or Full Package?
As with many purchases, a timber frame is not just a commodity like gasoline where all you care about is availability and price. There are many factors you should consider: Are timber frame drawings included? Will there be 3D drawings to facilitate comprehension of the plan along with detailed scaled drawings to compare to floor
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